First step 9. Do the usual git checkout thing one, other or both the original AngularJS tutorial code and this version. git checkout -f step9 for the .net version.
Copy app/js/filters.js from the Angular tutorial into the Scripts directory of the .Net project. Update Scripts/app.js to register the dependency on the phonecatFilters module. Update Views/Home/Index.cshtml to include a reference to the new Scripts/filters.js file. Update the Angular template (AngularPartials/phone-detail.html) to use the new filter. Ummm, that's it - behold the cross or the tick under GPS and Infrared on the phone-detail page.
On to step 10 - for the .Net code use git checkout -f step10.
Just follow along with the AngularJS tutorial. Update Scripts/controllers.js and update the template AngularPartials/phone-detail.html to change the main image source and add the 'ng-click' attribute to the smaller images. Finally copy across the latest version of app/css/app.css so that you get the cursor changing to 'pointer' when hovering over the click-able images.
And so finally onto step 11.
This tutorial is about tidying up the Angular code so that some of the implementation details are abstracted away, in effect moving the call to the .Net Web API to a different place. As such it means we don't need to touch the .Net code, however there is a change to the way in which AngularJS makes its requests, which needs a bit of attention.
Working along with the original AngularJS tutorial, amend Views/Home/Index.cshtml to include references to Scripts/services.js and Scripts/angular-resource.js. This latter should exist already (coming down with the nuget package), but you'll need to copy the services file into the Scripts directory. You'll also need to amend the registration of the 'Phone' service in the Scripts/services.js file to reference the Web API controller.
angular.module('phonecatServices', ['ngResource']). factory('Phone', function($resource){ return $resource('api/phones/:phoneId', {}, { query: {method:'GET', isArray:true} }); });Note the slight differences here from the AngularJS tutorial. First the path is to api/phones, secondly when the 'query' is set up I've removed the paramDefaults array because in its original state it causes Angular to make an http request to api/phones/phones when there is no parameter specified, which we don't want because that makes the Web API try to return us a PhoneDetail item with the id 'phones'. In the original tutorial this will cause a call to /phones/phones.json which works perfectly.
Now you just need to register the services in app.js, then amend the Scripts/controllers.js to use the service. This should be exactly the same as the Angular tutorial.
That's it - hopefully the AngularJS tutorial now looks the same live demo
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