In this post I'll move onto steps 6 & 7 &
Step 6 of the AngularJS tutorial is about updating the template to use images and generate links to individual phones that for the moment don't go anywhere.
Check out step 6 with git checkout -f step6
If you look at app/index.html in the original tutorial directory (or just follow the AngularJS tutorial) you'll see that the content of the 'li' element has changed. Simply copy the new code over the top of the old:
So first grab the css from the app/css/app.css and paste it into Content/app.css. Then, create a new 'img' folder in the 'Content' folder of your .Net project. Within that create a 'phones' folder then copy the images from the Angular tutorial directory ('app\img\phones') into this new folder.
If you try to run the application, no images will be rendered on the page because the paths don't match, so you'll need to update your JSON data file accordingly. Simply substitute img/ for Content/img/ in App_Data/phones.json. If you run the application now, you should see the same page as you do on the AngularJS tutorial live demo
If you click on any of the links, you'll soon realise that they don't work.
Onto step 7, which has much more of the meat of what AngularJS is all about, using Angular's routing capabilities in conjunction with different views and controllers. Again, if you're used to .Net MVC then everything here should be pretty easy to get your head around, but it's definitely the point for me at which I started thinking, "why am I using 2 sets of routing?" I'm not sure I have an answer yet, but I could imagine a hybrid app which has both .Net MVC and Angular MVC in it.
use git checkout -f step7.
Again, checkout the correct step of the AngularJS tutorial, then copy app/js/app.js into the 'Scripts' folder at the root of the .Net MVC project. This defines the routes and controllers for Angular's MVC structure.
Next, update Views/Home/Index.cshtml so that it now has at the top and has a reference to after the reference to angular.js in the head (remember that Views/Home/Index.cshtml is pretty much exactly the same as app/index.html in the AngularJS tutorial). Finally, delete most of the content in the body of Index.cshtml and replace it with
Now, create a new folder called 'AngularPartials' at the root of your .Net MVC project and add two HTML files to it, 'phone-list.html' and 'phone-detail.html', these should be exactly the same as the Angular app/partials/phone-detail.html and app/partials/phone-list.html files. Now you just need to update the Scripts/app.js file to reflect the paths to those partials, so it should look like this:
angular.module('phonecat', []). config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when('/phones', {templateUrl: 'AngularPartials/phone-list.html', controller: PhoneListCtrl}). when('/phones/:phoneId', { templateUrl: 'AngularPartials/phone-detail.html', controller: PhoneDetailCtrl }). otherwise({redirectTo: '/phones'}); }]);
Note that the only changes are to the 'templateUrl:' values. Amend 'Scripts/controllers.js' to include the definition for PhoneDetailCtrl
function PhoneDetailCtrl($scope, $routeParams) { $scope.phoneId = $routeParams.phoneId; }
The application should now be working, with links to the 'TBD' view for the phone details.
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