What does this mean in practice? At a very high level, it means that we need to be able to release features easily. Or put another way, having a 'release sprint' (which I've seen in lots of places) means we've failed. We haven't always succeeded in this, but we're getting there and we are now at the stage where we have decent CI and automated deployment, we can ...
- Push changes to our central code repository
- Which triggers a build on our build server
- Which runs our test suite (unit tests, integration tests that exercise the DB and bigger 'Spec' tests that lean on even more infrastructure)
- We're notified if the build passes or fails
- With 5 button clicks we can deploy the build to our 'smoke test' environment where we can do a full end-to-end test - our product owners get to run through the feature they've asked for
- 5 more button clicks and we've deployed to production
However, the main point isn't about the tools, it's about the mindset. Lots of companies talk about Lean and Agile but don't deliver (if you've ever sat through a 30 minute "stand-up", you know what I'm talking about), but at DrDoctor the value of delivering software rapidly is understood, which translates into investing time into making delivery easy. There is a lot more to do, but the whole company agrees that we don't say a story is delivered unless the code is running somewhere.